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Increase Your Productivity on Slack - Poppins invited for a Slack event!

We are very excited to share that Poppins has been invited to the Slack events to share "How Poppins helps users on Slack to be more productive without switching contexts." Manjunath, cofounder of Poppins will be speaking about the journey and how 100+ teams globally started using Poppins and fell in love! Tune in to know how you can use Poppins to become more productive.

About this event

If you want to dramatically increase your productivity in Slack, we hope you’ll join us for the next virtual meetup of the Charlotte chapter on July 26, 2021, from 6:00-7:00 pm ET. Joining us will be Manju Somashekar, the co-founder of Poppins—which was recently named the #1 New and Noteworthy App on Slack. Like so many of us during the pandemic, Maju and his co-founder Mayank often found it difficult to keep track of the most important messages among regular conversations on Slack. To help themselves, they built a simple tool to manage their Slack into a digest of sorts. As it became more useful, they began offering it to other teams who faced similar issues. It was a hit, and they decided to launch Poppins to everyone, and it quickly shot to the top of the charts for Slack productivity. Manju will talk about the tech stack they used to build Poppins for those of you who are technically-minded. He also will discuss various use cases for Poppins, such as:

  • One company replaced 13 Google docs to manage 1:1 meetings with Poppins

  • Another company uses Poppins to create an” All hands digest”

  • One uses it for all their Zoom meetings to take notes

  • Some users use it for bookmarking their workflows

Join us on July 26, 2021, from 6:00-7:00 pm ET to learn how to dramatically increase your productivity in Slack. We are excited to host Manju Somashekar, the co-founder of Poppins—recently named the #1 New and Noteworthy App on Slack.

Original blog post link below: ( RSVP for the event )

We look forward to seeing you on July 26!


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